About Us
Breezin with Mama Soto was created so that I had a platform to "Shoot the Breeze" or just relax/chill and talk about my life. A life that has had many challenges, many rewards and much happiness. Originally the idea was that my kids and grandkids would have stories to look back on and remember me with a smile on their faces. It is an idea that I had for quite some time, but my diagnosis of ovarian cancer in May of 2019 accelerated the idea and has made me want to share with everyone. In addition to "Breezin," I want to share my entertaining farming experiences, and it's the right time to start selling my crafts, which I absolutely love to create. So here we go, Farm-Craft-Life!
I am so happy that you have decided to join me on this journey. I hope that I inspire you to keep pushing for your goals and dreams. I hope that my stories make you believe that anything can be accomplished if you truly believe. This is what I truly have always understood. I hope that I help you to understand that everyday is a gift and when your feet hit the floor it is up to you to make it a happy day.
I will be sharing stories of my life as Mama Soto; some stories about my childhood (living in the 80's baby!), stories of how I raised my three wonderful children as a single mom, how I became a reserve police officer while working a full-time job, my journey of competing in my first triathlon at age 42, leaving my secure job of 16 years to become a flight attendant, moving from Washington state to Washington D.C., surviving cancer and much more.
There will be weekly updates on farming that will include my goats, chickens, dogs and cats. Along the way I hope to sell some of my creations.
Ultimately, I hope to leave a bit of me here. While I do plan on being here for many more years, same as you, I really just don't know when my last day will be. So I will lean on Him, as always, and welcome His timing.
So welcome, I am so happy you are here, Breezin with Mama Soto.